When you have not added any products to the cart, or when setting up an eCommerce store for the first time, you will come across the message “Your cart is currently empty”. Instead of displaying an empty cart, Astra introduces the ‘Show Featured Product’ in v4.1.0 and above. This feature allows you to showcase featured products in the cart instead of showing them empty.
You can make any product a ‘Featured Product’ by choosing the star symbol next to the item you desire to showcase.

If you have added the Cart to the Primary Header/ Above Header/ Below Header: Clicking on the cart will take you to the WooCommerce Cart Customization settings. Scroll down a bit to enable the ‘Show Featured Product‘ toggle button. By enabling this option, it will show the featured product or if the featured product is not selected then it will show a random product.

Example: Without enabling the ‘Show Featured Product‘ toggle button – when no products are added to the cart, it will look like this on the front end.

After enabling the ‘Show Featured Project‘ toggle button – when no products are added to the cart, it will look like this on the front end.