- Breadcrumb compatibility with SEOPress plugin. ( )
- Gutenberg editor core blocks UI/UX improvement. ( )
- Code refactor – Some filters, functions, hooks are deprecated and replaced with astra_ prefix NamingConvention. ( )
- Gutenberg frontend blocks UI improvement. ( )
- Global – Typography – Heading presets value should also retain in H1 to H6.
- Moved Astra meta settings into a separate Gutenberg sidebar panel.
- W3 validation – Getting duplicate H1 tag for site-title.
- W3 validation – Duplicate HTML id ‘#site-navigation’ if there are multiple menus on a single page.
- W3 validation – CSS parse error for ‘.menu-link’ & ‘.wp-block-button__link’.
- W3 validation – Duplicate ID: ‘#ast-hf-mobile-menu’. This change may break CSS if you have used custom CSS on ‘#ast-hf-mobile-menu’ HTML ID.
- W3 validation – Duplicate ID: ‘#Layer_1’. This change may break CSS if you have used custom CSS on ‘#Layer_1’ HTML ID.
- Gutenberg Editor content area showing white background color when Full-screen mode is active.
- Color picker tooltip appears on hover of selection area & its palette.
- The default “Add Widget” text alignment issue in the header.
- Image and Text blocks alignment not working properly with Image size – Medium in the editor.
- Alignwide blocks getting horizontal scrollbar on tablet breakpoint & 1400px between devices. (Props –
- Inner container Gutenberg block’s content width not affected by “Container Width” option. (Props –
- Gutenberg – Font weight for the heading typography is appearing differently on the editor and frontend.
- WooCommerce – Broken grid layout on mobile view for products shortcode.
- Title is misaligned in Gutenberg editor when the Gutenberg plugin v11.4.1 and above is active.
- The hamburger button is not changing its aria-expanded attribute to true on expanding.