New: Header Builder
- Introducing a new visual Header Builder that gives powerful options to design advanced header designs.
- Design different layers of header with – Above Header, Primary Header, and Below Header options.
- Get all essential header elements like Button, HTML, Widget, Social Icon, Search, Menu, etc. right inside the header builder.
- Freedom to place elements at any location in the header with simple drag-n-drop.
- Get full control on background and height for Above, Below, and Primary header.
- Spacing options for each element in the header.
- Dedicated options to design header for responsive devices. Get full control over the mobile header and create a different look.
- Create quick and better Transparent Headers in just a few clicks.
- Refer to a detailed comparison of features available with Astra free and Pro. ( )
New: Footer Builder
- Introducing a new visual Footer Builder that gives the ability to design unique footers for your website.
- Design different layers of footer with – Above Footer, Primary Footer, and Below Footer.
- Use different essential footer elements like Copyright, Button, HTML, Widget, Social Icon, Search, Footer Menu, etc. So that you can add all the required information easily with few clicks.
- Simply drag-n-drop elements in different sections of the footer. It gives you the freedom to place elements at any location in the footer quickly.
- It provides a flexible columns-based structure where you can select column count and column layouts.
- Manage responsive layouts for the footer easily.
- Spacing and alignment options for each element in the footer.
- Refer to a detailed comparison of features available with Astra free and Pro. ( )
Improvement: Faster Loading Time
With Astra 3.0 experience faster loading customizer as well as faster website loading time in the frontend.
Astra customizer will load faster than before so that you can design a website in less time. While Astra website will load faster in the frontend delivering a great experience for your users.
Here are detailed improvements –
- Load CSS only when their respective options are enabled – Frontend optimization.
- Removed old CSS that is already supported by browsers.
- Removed unused grid layout related CSS.
- Overall HTML Structure improvement which includes removing blank spaces and removing unwanted HTML Tags.
- Conditionally loaded Elementor, EDD, Comment and Pagination related CSS only when they are used.
- Replaced flex related CSS with theme predefined CSS classes.
- Main JS code optimization.
Other Improvements and Fixes:
- Improvement: Removed old CSS that is already supported by browsers.
- Improvement: Removed unused grid layout related CSS.
- Improvement: Overall HTML Structure improvement which includes removing blank spaces and removing unwanted HTML Tags.
- Improvement: Conditionally loaded Elementor, EDD, Comment and Pagination related CSS only when they are used.
- Improvement: Replaced flex related CSS with theme predefined CSS classes.
- Improvement: Main JS code optimization.
- Improvement: Added customizer partial refresh support in a few options.
- Improvement: Added Stack and Inline option for Footer.
- Improvement: Builder – Menu – Added Submenu container width option.
- Improvement: Builder – Menu – Added Submenu container radius option.
- Improvement: Builder – Menu – Added Submenu container top offset.
- Improvement: Builder – Menu – Added menu hover animation styles.
- Improvement: Builder – Off-Canvas – Added container alignment option.
- Improvement: Removed extra localized variable declaration.
- Improvement: Load CSS only when their respective options are enabled – Frontend optimization.
- Improvement: Removed .wp-smiley CSS – Frontend optimization.
- Improvement: Removed unused extra CSS from main CSS file – Frontend optimization.
- Improvement: Replace flex related CSS with the predefined CSS classes present in theme – Frontend optimization.
- Improvement: Faster Customizer experience with respect to Design/General Tab change.
- Improvement: Loaded animation CSS only when needed.
- Improvement: Improved the UI in customizer for Footer Builder.
- Improvement: Responsive – Added responsive compatibility to Footer Inner Column Spacing.
- Improvement: Responsive – Added responsive compatibility to Social Icon Size and Social Icon Spacing.
- Improvement: Responsive – Added responsive compatibility to Search Icon Color.
- Improvement: Responsive – Added responsive compatibility to HTML Element related Colors.
- Improvement: Responsive – Added responsive compatibility to Widget Element related Colors.
- Improvement: Responsive – Added responsive compatibility to Above, Below and Primary Header height.
- Improvement: Responsive – Added responsive compatibility to Footer Menu layout.
- Improvement: Responsive – Added responsive compatibility to Footer Column Layout.
- Fix: Allowed negative margin values
- Fix: Builder – Social spacing option not accepting 0 as a value.
- Fix: Fixed the issue with Global Button hover color not being applied to Header/Footer Buttons.
- Fix: Primary Menu – Font Weight not being applied in frontend.
- Fix: Off Canvas – Fixed issue with Sub Menu colors, typography and other inheriting properties.
- Fix: Primary Menu – Fixed an issue with Stack on Mobile option not in action in some rare scenario.
- Fix: Footer – Added default Stack layout for Footer Columns.
- Fix: Toggle Button – Fixed an issue Toggle Button SVG looking odd.
- Fix: Button – Fixed an issue with mismatched EM/PX with respect to Margin.
- Fix: AMP Compatibility – Fixed an issue with Menu animation JS for AMP pages.
- Fix: Slider Control – Fixed an issue with zero value not being accepted by the Slider Control.
- Fix: RTL fixes for customizer custom controls.
- Fix: Black patch being shown while transitioning between show/hide click of the builder.
- Fix: Socials element edit pencil icon was misaligned in Header and Footer.
- Fix: Margin and Padding option for Header / Footer Elements not working with defaults.